York Region - Regional Operations Centre
York Region is the fastest growing region in the GTA. The Regional Municipality of York assumes responsibilities for Transit, Regional Roads, Water and Wastewater Treatment, Waste Management, Social Assistance, Family and Children Services, Social Housing, Long Term Care, Public Health, Emergency Medical Services, Police, Strategic Planning, Human Services Planning and Economic Development.

New Transportation & Works & York Regional Police Fleet
The Goal
Development of new 94,000 sq. ft. facilities and site for vehicle maintenance, Police Fleet and stores and offices for Regional staff.
The Region needed to relocate its Transportation and Works operations from deteriorated facilities to new facilities in coordination with the relocation of the Police fleet and roads construction department.
The Results
Facilities, including site development, delivered well under budget, ahead of schedule and meeting all operational objective.

Regional Operations Facilities $19 million in total capital costs
Working closely with the Region, design consultants and specialty consultants, Matrix Management Corp. provided full scope project management and ensured that the Region’s high standards were exceeded. The new facilities incorporate state of the art technologies including; VOIP, fibre optics, audio visual systems, computer automated high energy efficiency lighting controls and HVAC automation controls, computerized security system as well as an on-site sewage treatment plant, expanded back-up power and uninterruptible power systems.
Matrix Management Corp’s implementation planning, project management and regular close contact with all stakeholders significantly contributed towards the successful delivery of the project.